When I left my last career as a mental health specialist. I was met with tremendous doubt. I wasn’t leaving to join another organization. With the help of my wife, I love you, Hun, I possessed that delusional quality that created a belief in a vision. A vision of being present for my family. A vision of challenging myself to sharpen my craft and pursue a better life.
My supervisor at the time made reference to a skit on Saturday Night Live. Saying “Oh you’re gonna be a life coach, huh.” Like Farley! Down by the River. I chuckled to myself, because I remember the sketch, but as she continued to share the same joke, I realized that she was mocking my decision. I remember that sting! It was pissed.
I’ll never forget the last day of work. I walked slowly out the door and hesitated for a moment, because I knew I’d never go back! I was hell bent on finding what my value to the world was and my 9-5 was never going to give me what I’m worth. I know now it was faulty to ever believe that a company will pay anyone what their worth. Company’s only pay you what you’re worth to them!
However, the skit with Farley was Hilarious and I wanted to share with you all.